In suburban Chicago during the late 1980s, ten-year-old Jake Doyle embarks on a herculean quest to get the latest and greatest video game system for Christmas.
Released: 2021-11-24
Runtime: 98 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Family
Stars: Neil Patrick Harris, Winslow Fegley, June Diane Raphael, David Cross, Steve Zahn, Jacob Laval, Santino Barnard, Jackson Reid, Chandler Dean, Johnathan'tae Sturgess, Cyrus Arnold, Sophia Reid-Gantzert, Bellaluna Resnick
Director: Michael Dowse
Hollywood_Yoda - 7 September 2023 Nostalgic Holiday Fare Remember A Christmas Story from 1983? Here is the 2021 counterpart, a sort of remake, but in a gentler soft way. Another Christmas film about a much sought after gift, the original NES (Nintendo Entertainment System); very similar to the Red Ryder in the earlier film.
Even the title of this flick, 8-Bit Christmas is a bit cheesy, but it fits and it works. Based in the 1980s during the home video game boom, and starring Neil Patrick Harris, an 80s-90s heartthrob known for Doogie Howser; this Christmas film is sure to bring nostalgic feelings.
Unlike other films released digitally on streaming services, this film eventually made its way to DVD in 2022. Its worth a watch, and a Christmas movie that will have its own tradition one day.
robeaton-95733 - 16 November 2022 A classic I love this movie. It's got a really fun story line for kids, and some great subtle adult humor for us parents ;). Think Christmas story meets princess bride, but more generationally relevant. It's a perfect little Christmas gem that you can watch each Christmas, and never tire of it.
Our story takes a group of kids on a journey to find their way to a Nintendo, facing a litany of challenges and along the way. At the end of the moving you're left with a wholesome feeling, and while to some it might seem cliche it perfectly fits the tone of the movie, with a tear-jerk moment for the softie in us all.
matthewwickstrom - 21 January 2022 Instant Christmas Classic This is simply The Christmas Story for the next generation! It became an instant classic in our family. I lived through all of this. Nintendo is Life.
Gordon-11 - 1 January 2022 Cute "8-Bit Christmas" is cute and heart warming. It really speaks to many children's childhood dreams of owning a video console. It has a simple plot, but it is very effective. I enjoyed watching it.