
When danger threatens her camp, the fierce and highly skilled Comanche warrior Naru sets out to protect her people. But the prey she stalks turns out to be a highly evolved alien predator with a technically advanced arsenal.

  • Released: 2022-08-05
  • Runtime: 120 minutes
  • Genre: Action, Horror, Thrillers
  • Stars: Amber Midthunder, Dakota Beavers, Dane DiLiegro, Harlan Blayne Kytwayhat, Nelson Leis, Stefany Mathias, Ray Strachan, Ray Strachan, Ray Strachan, Stormee Kipp, Michelle Thrush, Julian Black Antelope, Bennett Taylor, Mike Paterson, Tyson Carter, Skye Pelletier, Corvin Mack, Samuel Marty, Ginger Cattleman, Seanna Eagletail, Samiyah Crowfoot, Cody Big Tobacco, Troy Mundle, Curtis Vinish, Stephane Legault, Stephan Schroeder, Eric Beaudoin, Kyle Strauts, Kirk Caouette, Kyle Legere, Tom Woodruff Jr., Alec Gillis, David Penikas, Jon K. Miller, Dakota Beavers
  • Director: Dan Trachtenberg
  • emelievik-863-464938 - 23 June 2024
    An awesome movie
    The action is so good. The character of Naru is well defined and I love as we get to watch her adapt and surprise her enemies.

    This is a brilliant movie for us who love a suspenseful and action packed movie.

    I'm still hoping for a sequel or similar. I love the use of the language here and the perspective we get of who is a hunter and what is a prey.

    The trappers being hunters but quickly becoming preys as soon as you realise they can't adapt when they encounter a prey that can fight back.

    The visual part is most excellent. The way they use the visuals to tell the story rather than force feed us a bunch of exposition. Sadly there aren't many movies who does this so I feel this movie is a very good example of doing the "showing rather than telling" the story.
  • naelandres - 22 May 2024
    kids movie
    Ok. I am writing a review only because I watched the movie due to its good rating. Well, it's not true at all. The rating was probably done by the promo team.

    Pros: Magnificent views and landscapes.

    Camera work didn't bother me.

    Cons: The costumes of the native people looked too perfect for that time period.

    The girl kills the galaxy's best hunter, whose species' background is hunting (also killing The Aliens). She somehow manages to understand alien tech very well, hunting tactics, precise analysis, etc. It just doesn't make any sense.

    She also manages to bring one old Frenchman to the campsite and cut off his leg. In real life, such a small girl cannot move such a big guy even five meters.

    The lead character doesn't seem like a plausible Native American from that time. Her body shape isn't right, and neither are her talking, walking, and movements.

    The language and speech tone the Comanches are using is like that from high school movies.

    A $65M budget is impressive, but apparently not enough for CGI. It looked so cheap, like the work of some interns.

    Overall, this movie feels like a film school graduation project.
  • oxylepy - 20 March 2024
    I want to like it
    I really do want to like it since it's considered one of the best Predator movies.

    But all I see in my screen are reflections and what in the movie I can make out lacks color saturation. I cannot for the life of me figure out why anyone doing video editing work would pull the color and light out, it doean't give it a different feel, it just makes it look bad. The beads and paint they wear doesn't pop the way it should, it isn't visually contrasting. The daylight scenes look like it's all dusk then it moves over to night scenes which fail to being in the visibility you'd want as a bare minimum.

    The acting could be amazing, the costumes and location look like they could be amazing, but everything is muted, sickly, and suffering from the same poor visual editing most movies now-a-days are.
  • CDiablo - 6 January 2023
    Not good but better than most Predator films.
    Prey is not really a good film, but it is the third best Predator film behind Predator 1&2.

    The story is that a younger woman Native American that is shown to be a hair shy of being absolutely amazing fails short of amazing on her first hunt for her tribe. Then the Predator shows up kills a few tribe people and some French trappers. Then the amazing girl proves herself to be amazing her people by beating the Predator.

    The plot was paper thin. The action/gore/horror was unremarkable which is a huge miss. A lot of the CGI looked cheap. The Predator once again has to act like a total buffoon to make the movie work in any capacity.

    With that said it's shot well and the main actress(Amber Midthunder) and actor(Dakota Beavers) were great.

    I'm thinking people went in with such low expectations on this one that anything that wasn't awful would be well received. For me this movie has no redeemable qualities that make me want to recommend it. It isn't good or bad, just an unremarkable entry in the Predator universe, which puts it ahead of a lot of others from the franchise.
  • pixfarina - 29 December 2022
    On par with the original, very impressed
    Prey is beautifully shot, and its recreation of Native American life is wonderful. The characters are well drawn and Prey does well in telling an exciting story. Characters are smart, brave and human and the action is not over cooked. That said French trappers in the movie could have been better utilized and the predators idea of 'sport' needs tweaking. Despite the IPs age Prey manages to create and sustain a sense of mystery, and so is ideal for new viewers of Predator. Prey is proof that there is hope for much loved IPs if skill and care are used. A memorable film that's well worth watching.
  • traceytak - 17 December 2022
    Enjoyed previous predator films far more
    My score is evaluating on how much I enjoyed this compared to other predator films. Obviously the first one with Arnie set the score very high and this one I could've taken or left. It's trying too hard, is in keeping with the current film trend of men versus women, trying to prove women are better which is a losing format from the get go. The one downfall I noticed about this predator is that in previous films the first hour has not just focused on one character, we have been more involved with a bunch of characters, in this one it's as if the director is stating there is only one worth knowing so we didn't really care when others were killed off. It got boring just focusing on one person all the time and all the way through.
  • z3no34 - 5 December 2022
    Survival of the Luckiest
    This is a decent film on par with the first two Predator films that should revitalize the franchise, not the barely memorable other ones. It is a monster film with just about everyone being fodder for it to kill. That is what we should expect from these films, but since this is in many ways an authentic Native American story, I was expecting at least some character or more mythology, made-up or not, from what they call Yautja. Instead, we got a killing machine that may as well literally been a machine. No, I am not talking about needing a long back-story for the predator. For example, there's no attempt to have anything close to the iconic scene in the original when the predator takes of its mask deeming Dutch a worthy opponent and fights him hand to hand after giving a growling battle-cry. That is what you lose with CGI. Also, the film tries to be too cute with scenes of animals hunting and then the predator rudely killing the hunting animal. This takes away from the predator's character too much. Rather than a great hunter that might admire and study such behavior like the Natives Americans would this shows it to be an opportunist like an annoying hyena.

    The bullying by the other young men towards Naru was a little heavy-handed and annoying. Weather you think it is authentic or not is irrelevant. You can have the same narrative of Naru challenging society and proving herself without the adolescent level of toxicity that goes mostly unchecked. This show is not as woke as it might think it is by depicting such behavior as normal, and without even any checks or repudiation of it within the plot. So except for Naru, her brother, and her dog, every other individual in the film is simply an unmemorable tool. This is evident by the fact that just about nobody that is killed is mourned nor even produces a simple emotional reaction even for just a second. This is especially true for the almost comically evil French trappers. I do not like that they only speak in French. I get that it is mostly irrelevant what they are saying, and some can be understood in context, but I don't want to watch a caricature of people. But I guess viewers can easily be manipulated into rooting for some people's death. Yep, this film is so woke.

    Strange stupid lines like, "a hunter does not wait; he hunts" and "you didn't bring it home" probably cost this film a half a point by itself for me.

    The final fight scene is great film-making, but still loses points by basically relying on the predator either being an idiot or having horrible aim. I think the reasoning they were going for that is poorly executed or explained is that the predator's projectile weapon can manually shoot things but if it does not hit anything it goes to the red target. So the predator was distracted and missed the dog. Also, it was harder for him to hit the moving target of the brother on a horse, so those projectiles landed in the tree where the red target was. Fine - I guess I can buy that. However there is absolutely no excuse for the skilled hunter to miss Naru at the end. The only other explanation is that the predator is an idiot that does not know how its tech works.

    Note, I too great care to refer to the predator as "it" and not "him". Don't misgender.

    But maybe there will be another prequel from the predator's perspective. They will show that this predator was a female defying its species custom and the first to go on the ritual hunt. Why not, Hollywood - you know you want too? However, she becomes a laughingstock and they will sing horrible sounding songs (to our ears) of her being beaten by an adolescent 90 pound girl and killing herself with her own weapon. You may think I joke too much but I bet that there have been countless Naru's in all of history, and just as many of them died ingloriously. As this very film tells us, hunting for survival is difficult and a cut-throat world and sometimes you just have bad or good luck too.
  • tbyrne369 - 23 November 2022
    I actually really enjoyed this
    I dug this newest installment in the predator franchise which is almost 40 years old at this point and has had multiple films, comic books, etc.

    The decision to make the main character a young girl may have been politically motivated (as everyone on here just can't stop whining about) but it was a great idea. The setting - 1700s Northern plains, and the protagonist being a young female are the film's two biggest wins. Both are original and put a totally new spin on franchise that was frankly growing stale.

    The main girl is likeable and charismatic and we start out in a hunter/gatherer society until the sci-fi element is quite literally dropped straight into the middle of it. And it works!

    The film has drawbacks, like any action movie. The characterizations could be stronger and yikes they really made those french fur trappers a bunch of grotesque goons.

    But once the action gets going its all good.

    And leading actress Amber Midthunder did a great job, I thought.
  • nansjune - 13 November 2022
    How does this get almost the same imdb score as the Arnie original?
    Watching the Hollywood machine take your favourite childhood movies, TV shows and books and butcher them over and over and over again. It's growing tiresome.

    The Predator itself is a macguffin, Hollywood have somehow turned a macguffin into a franchise, each film worse than the last.

    This latest effort is a snooze. There is no suspense, nothing new is added to the Predator mythology, the action descends into farce. The action can just about stay within suspension of disbelief until the little girl starts directly fighting the Predator and winning. She sustains blows that would render Thor a tetraplegic and just keeps on going. What a gal.

    This is the Predator franchise reduced to a cartoon for tween girls who cannot even watch the film due to its certification.

    I'm getting really sick of watching the latest effort in a popular entertainment series and thinking to myself "I hope they don't make anymore".