A young woman with a mysterious past is dispatched to seek warriors from neighboring planets to take a stand against the armies of a tyrannical regent.
Runtime: 120 minutes
Genre: Action, Fantasy
Stars: Sofia Boutella, Charlie Hunnam, Djimon Hounsou, Ray Fisher, Bae Doona, Jena Malone, Staz Nair, E. Duffy, Charlotte Maggi, Sky Yang, Rupert Friend, Stuart Martin, Cary Elwes, Corey Stoll, Michiel Huisman, Alfonso Herrera, Michael Thântrọng, Ed Skrein, Fra Fee, Cleopatra Coleman, Rhian Rees, Anthony Hopkins, Jordan Coleman, Samantha Win, Josefine Lindegaard
Director: Zack Snyder
DieWoelfin - 12 June 2024 What a beautiful, beautiful cast! Really, whoever casted this beautiful bunch, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Scenery is equally as stunning an the details like the weapons an the android... just absolutely beautiful! Acting is great and believably immersive. Characters a nicely fleshed out and not too cliche. I want to jump in and just go on an adventure alongside these guys. The only part I didn't like are flaws in the battle scenes. The way our hero moves make the strikes and shots she's landing a little too unbelievable. She comes of as a little clumsy, not something you'd expect from a battle hardened commander. But this only flaw is absolutely excusable. Loved it!
scoriz-14012 - 30 May 2024 A New Vision of something Familiar So yes it's going to give off Star Wars vibes very quickly, with that being said-nothing's original so enjoy watching fun slow-mo action scenes, some world building, and an interesting ensemble of rag tag characters.
I won't say that this didn't come with its own amount of flaws (which hopefully get resolved by the directors cut) so I'll just judge this version for now. It definitely would've worked better as a series as we don't get enough backstory for some of the other members of the team. There were some scenes that really could've used some explaining or maybe just should've been cut entirely.
Parts were a bit rushed but overall I think if you go in knowing that it's a Snyder film and it's going to be what it is then you'll get some enjoyment out of it.
The acting in my opinion wasn't necessarily over the top but if some scenes weren't rushed than or if there was just more backstory then they would've connected to the audience more.
Again, he wasn't trying to retell a rated R Star Wars but drew inspiration heavily from "Seven Samurai" and "Heavy Metal"
alessio-j-orlandi3 - 22 May 2024 A bad mix of D&D and Star Wars The plot seems like it has been written by a 13 year old boy who just discovered fantasy RPGs and Star Wars. It's an incredible mixture of all the possible stereotypes of these subgenres. The characters, the costumes, the setting, the weapons... Even the names are so obvious. The indigenous looking handsome guy? Tarak. The nazi/ancient roman-looking villains? Titus, Belisarius and so on... And the Asian ninja-like woman? Nemesis, of course. Seriously, who writes this stuff? Want to talk about the recycled costumes? "Ok guys, we've got this double buckled belt from a previous steampunk movie, these clothes from a western movie, some rags and random cloaks from a Star Wars fan made movie".