Wild Beauty: Mustang Spirit of the West

Wild Beauty: Mustang Spirit of the West

An immersive journey into the world of wild horses, WILD BEAUTY illuminates both the profound beauty, and desperate plight faced by the wild horses in the Western United States. Filmmaker Ashley Avis (Disney's BLACK BEAUTY) and crew go on a multi-year expedition to uncover the truth in hopes to protect them, before wild horses disappear forever.

  • Released:
  • Runtime: 99 minutes
  • Genre: Documentaries
  • Stars:
  • Director:
  • isabellsi - 31 May 2023
    An emotional rollercoaster which leaves the audience inspired!
    The movie Wild Beauty acts as a guide to the horrible issues the wild horses of today are subjected to. Through her emotional but informative storytelling, Avis opens our hearts and our eyes to the cruelties which wild horses face regularly.

    The audience is being educated on the unfair and cruel treatment towards wild horses.

    Roundups of herd after herd, separation of horses from their families, foals being chased to the point of utter exhaustion and the loss of freedom. All of this is reality for today's wild horses of America.

    The audience is being invited to join the journey of Ashley and her team, who are passionately uncovering the details of the roundups and what happens to the horses who fell victim to them.

    Learning about the fates of these once beautiful and free roaming mustangs, is heartbreaking to watch for any horse lover. But we have to dig deeper.

    Horses are being rounded up with most of them ending up being starved and killed. We need to fight for the right of freedom for wild horses, otherwise there will be none left for the following generations to see.

    This documentary leaves the audience inspired to use their own voice for the wild horses, to dig deeper and to support the fight in standing for wild horses and their freedom. Wild horse supporters can support the Wild Beauty Foundation, to use their voice for wild horses.

    I Stand With Wild Horses. Do you?