Explores the possibility for the global community to overcome challenges like climate change and reach a brighter future through the power of nuclear energy.
Released: 2023-04-28
Runtime: 106 minutes
Genre: Documentaries
Director: Oliver Stone
simonsavage - 30 November 2023 Incredible, must watch for any thinking human... A bit American centric, but otherwise extraordinary. Is obviously biased, but hopefully so and the bias is well justified.
I run a company that focuses on energy storage technologies and have been looking at grid storage systems and applications... Following this, we will abandon that and focus on mobile energy applications where batteries, supercapacitors etc are really important and the best type of solution to address the challenges.
Have to admit that I watched this on a plane, turned me into a blubbering mess. Bravo Oliver, I'm a big fan, but this is your most impactful work to date.
Strongly recommend to anyone, very easy to watch, understand and follow the arguments.
Xstal - 11 June 2023 Unclear When... We are taken on a tour of fissions past, when all we ever knew was just a blast, of how a power could just smash, turning the world into cheap trash, while extra fingers, toes and eyes could be amassed; we all know the world is ending due to fossils, we didn't pay too much regard to the apostles, who couldn't break oil cartels, who lied, misled about their wells, with an event of extinction, that is colossal; so what to do, and in essence, who to believe, as we know that everyone will cheat, deceive, it looks like nukes are the escape, to stop environmental rape, until the atoms find a way to make escape!
You know, the problem is, you don't really know, and this is more than likely sponsored by groups with an interest, so keep an open mind, and investigate for yourself.