The enigmatic resurrection, rampage, and retribution of an undead monster in a remote wilderness unleashes an iconic new killer after a locket is removed from a collapsed fire tower that entombed its rotting corpse.
Runtime: 94 minutes
Genre: Horror, Thrillers
Stars: Andrea Pavlovic, Lea Rose Sebastianis, Ry Barrett, Lauren-Marie Taylor, Reece Presley, Charlotte Creaghan, Timothy Paul McCarthy, Alexander Oliver, Sam Roulston, Liam Leone, Cameron Love, Casey MacDonald, Tom Jacobs
Director: Chris Nash
jrhodes-18440 - 4 July 2024 Pretty Brutal Aside from having to watch this guy get in his 10,000 steps for the day this movie didn't disappoint as your run of the mill slasher film. They should probably pay more attention to plot and character familiarity if they decide on a sequel. It's been a while since I've seen a horror movie of this caliber. Brutal kill scenes no doubt. In fact, there was one scene that I found to be one of the most brutal I've seen, and I've seen a lot. Needed a little more substance overall, but I'm not complaining. I would be very interested in seeing a sequel or perhaps seeing this as a franchise over time. Got the job done. I was entertained.
nicoross-05407 - 4 July 2024 Jasons view in any friday 13th long romantic walks in the woods If you like long walks in the forest with great scenery no plot and no story this is the movie you have waited for your whole life (or thats what it will feel like as you watch this). This was so boring counting the people that walked out was more enjoyable. Plots a great idea but to much boring walking scenes not enough gore or kills. Yes i see poeple say this a great idea i agree but its a great idea with the worst execution. There is nobody to root for and what script there is either poor dialogue or poor script still not sure which its that bad. If you want a horror to fall asleep to this is perfect for you 1 out of 10 just for the idea. AVOID IF POSSIBLE!
lyhendy - 3 July 2024 Waste of time I've seen lots of movies in all genres- this has to be the worse movie I've ever seen. Went to cinema as it was listed as a 'secret screamer' event. What?! I nearly fell asleep twice and that was when the killer was tearing his victims apart.
There's no storyline to it apart from Johnny is seeking revenge. And...
I gave this 1 star and that's just for the Canadian scenery.
Watching the back of a. Calling though; woods, water, back to woods is enough to make you want to scream 'turn around'
I've never seen so many people get up and walk out of the cinema as much as this movie made them do.
Watch on TV when it slips at the movies theatres.
kipperxoxo - 10 June 2024 Abysmal and Redundant I didn't know what to expect going into this film, as I did zero prep in regards to researching its' background. If I had done so beforehand, i most likely wouldn't have bothered to show up. Upon sitting in the theater, I took a second to research the director, and realized with dismay his only previous work was The ABC's of Death (2!). A bit alarming, but maybe this would be better, so I tried to go in with an open mind.
I realized in the first 5 minutes this would not be the case. The dialogue was horrendously terrible, with the acting to match. Specifically, the dialogue from the so called "teenagers" did not sound like something people of their age range would say, it seriously sounded like someone scrolled through Twitter and copy-pasted every cringe worthy thing they saw. There are brief references to cancel culture that did not resonate with me at all, as someone who is 22 and was not long ago a teenager. Not only did the actors not sound like they were in their teens, they didn't look it either (one of the male actors was hilariously old for his role, I swear he could pass for late 20s).
The pacing was also horrible, with so much time being wasted on people just walking around or having their conversations drawn out for far too long. I believe the drawn out walking was intentional, as the film draws emphasis on the fact that the killer just happens upon the teenagers he murders, but nonetheless it dragged on at an unjustified length when the point could have been gotten across much sooner. There is a conversation that happens in the fourth act that felt like it lasted 15 minutes where two characters say something that could've been said in under 2 minutes, I'm not even exaggerating. I think a whopping 30 minutes could be cut even though the run-time is pretty standard at around an hour and a half; I wonder if the style they went for was rooted in them feeling as though they needed to fill the time.
Tonally I think the film is very confused. It tries to come across as a bit silly and campy at times, but also takes itself immensely serious when it comes to the lore they try to establish. The killer breaks the rules of the universe several times, which is annoying. There are times in the movie where the killer will be blatantly standing in front of a character, and we are made to believe they simply didn't see him. There are also times where the killer will be loudly walking behind people, and the teenagers continue on as if nothing happened. It is a film that does not respect its' audience and makes you assume that every character in the film must be partially blind or deaf.
As for positives, as few as there are, I did enjoy a couple of the kills, specifically one in the second act (those who have seen this film will immediately know what I'm talking about). I also have to praise the attention to detail when it comes to the gore; it looked extremely realistic and they didn't shy away from showing the audience every kill up close. It is my number one pet peeve when films skimp out on showing kills in order to save budget, but this film didn't disappoint in this regard so credit where credit is due. My only gripe is that I wish the kills were as consistently interesting as the aforementioned one, as many seemed dull or cliche.
To wrap up, if you're a fan of the slasher genre, you might be able to forgive this film's many shortcomings, but as for me (someone who enjoys slasher films, but doesn't hold them on quite as high of a pedestal as others) it failed to deliver what I oftentimes enjoy out of the genre.
thelight-47619 - 8 June 2024 Worst Movie Ever This is a "Friday the 13th" style slasher film that shifts the main focus from the horny teenage victims to the undead masked murderer. Such a premise sounds interesting on paper, but this glorified walk hyperlapse fails miserably in every aspect. This movie feels like a polar opposite to Friday the 13th in the worst possible way. One of the best parts of Friday the 13th was the creepy musical score by Harry Manfredini. There is absolutely no soundtrack to speak of in this movie. The acting in Friday the 13th isn't always the best, but it's still decent enough on its own. All the acting in this movie is terrible, and even adult films have better acting than this. There are plenty of memorable kills in the Friday the 13th series, with the liquid nitrogen head smash showing up on Mythbusters. This movie has only 2 passable kills and that's not enough to make up for all the lame ones. Jason's backstory is super iconic in horror and the story of Johnny feels like a carbon copy but worse, they lost me during the campfire story. The victims in Friday have their own unique quirks that make their screen time enjoyable, with a few annoying characters here and there. The victims in this movie are all annoying and listening to them run their mouths is torture. Jason and Pamela had little screentime in the original Friday quadrilogy, but everything they did was quick and purposeful. In this movie, all the killer does is walk slower than a snail on heroin, and kill people at a similar pace, but mostly walking. And when accompanied by the complete absence of music on top of individual shots that can run on for 2 minutes, these walking segments take up most of the movie and they are mind numbingly boring. The ending of the movie was just as bad in terms of cinematography and pacing, making for the worst ending in what I consider to be the worst movie ever made!