When a single mom and her two kids arrive in a small town, they begin to discover their connection to the original Ghostbusters and the secret legacy their grandfather left behind.
Released: 2021-11-11
Runtime: 124 minutes
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Stars: Finn Wolfhard, Mckenna Grace, Paul Rudd, Carrie Coon, Sigourney Weaver, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Annie Potts, Logan Kim, Celeste O'Connor, Oliver Cooper, Sydney Mae Diaz, Bokeem Woodbine, Marlon Kazadi, Tracy Letts, Paulina Jewel Alexis, Billy Bryk, Artoun Nazareth, CJ Collard, Bud Klasky, Faith Louissaint, Daniel D'Angelo Sparks, J.K. Simmons, Josh Gad, Bob Gunton, Shawn Seward, Hannah Duke, Chiara Petersen, Danielle Kennedy, Artoun Nazareth, Crystal Roseborough, Dusan Rokvic, Emma Portner, Stella Aykroyd, Kim Faires, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Harold Ramis, Olivia Wilde
Director: Jason Reitman
Charlesc-5 - 28 May 2024 You can skip the first 80 minutes. I've seen all of the Ghostbusters movies. I saw the first one TWICE in the theater. I saw the second one IN THE THEATER and it wasn't a "revival". I was one of the few who liked the third one!
But... OMG. My problem is that I remember the other Ghostbusters movies as being somewhat.... funny?
Here, there's this one young man in the movie, "Podcast", who I gather is always saying things that are supposed(?) to be funny? Not one laugh.
Anyway, there is a heaping dose of Ghostbusters fan service here. The 3rd movie (Ghostbusters: Answer the Call) seems to have evaporated and we're picking up 40 years after the first(?) one.
My friend suggested they were trying to update the Ghostbusters franchise by doing a mashup with "Stranger Things". Not a bad observation.
As I was watching the movie, I was literally looking at my watch wondering when this movie was going to START. PROTIP: IF YOU SKIP to one hour and 20 minutes, this turns out to be a decent movie, however, don't expect the "fun" of the original.
dangerfox-90110 - 20 April 2024 Has the ghostbusters touch to say the least Ghostbusters afterlife is the third ghostbusters movie and as a trilogy ghostbusters is a classic and an absolute well known.
The ghostbusters afterlife is great but has some corny moments including the new characters that feels a little bit like the classic teenage perspective and has some cliches as well which I didn't like but not hated I was just a bit annoyed but eh Still worked out as a great movie that includes new characters
This movie has some GOOD SFX and Some cool visuals as well and the absolute amazing classic the original score of the ghostbusters, it kinda expands on the soundtrack a little and it's all good
There are some quite good scenes but what I like about this movie is 2 things
Good pacing because it didn't feel that boring to say the least
And the best thing is that they've brought back the old characters which I absolutely loved , I loved seeing Peter venkman and the gang again bur they were there for some short period of time but their presence left a huge mark in this movie
Overall a good ghostbusters movie has some good scenes and sometime funny scenes as well, it was good but not the best ghostbusters movie so , 7/10.
GregTheStopSign95 - 1 April 2024 SO, so close... No, it's not as good as the original movie, but that would be VERY difficult considering how iconic the original is. On the other hand, I enjoyed it a bit more than the sequel, but that MAY be because it's been quite a while since I last saw that one. This, though. This is a very worthy successor to the legacy. Answer The Call is hopefully sitting there taking notes and realising what it did wrong. And no, that wasn't a cast problem, it was a writing problem.
For my money, the only time this movie really put a foot wrong is in the opening. I don't know how they could have done it better, or differently, and still have it work, but it just kinda feels...wrong, somehow? Keeping 'Egon' in shadows and all...the rest of the movie, though, was spot on. The casting, the writing, the direction, everything...THIS is the call you should answer.
mradeelafzal - 27 December 2022 10 stars and so much more! I'm approaching my 40's, the original Ghostbusters were my childhood and it was so good to see an update - not a reboot like everyone else would have attempted, but a real continuation of the legacy of Ghostbusters.
Phoebe is such an amazing character, she was played so well, the storyline was familiar but fresh. There was just the right amount of nostalgic input to keep me going "hey" but not too much that it felt forced.
Movies are meant to entertain and this did in bundles. If you don't enjoy a movie it's as simple as switch it off. There was no need for some of the comments thrown at this film; it was fun, funny, interesting and entertaining.
Annekin1 - 28 November 2022 Surprisingly dull I watched this film because it had good reviews from the critics. However halfway through I started to wonder if these reviewers had felt so emasculated by the previous all female reboot that the positive reviews had been bought & paid for before the film was actually made?
It's not a bad film. But unlike some reviews on here seem to infer, it's not the second coming of Christ either. It's just rather unmemorable and really doesn't deserve the sequel it will inevitably get, which was so denied the all female 2016 reboot (a much more enjoyable film btw).
If I'm being generous I'd suggest the somewhat darker direction of the franchise was inspired by the success of the IT horror film re-make, which is a very good film (chapter ONE anyway. Chapter TWO, not so much). But Ghostbusters isn't meant to be brooding, & the scares should be the equivalent of the adrenaline rush you get on a roller coaster. This seemed like a film too scared to be fun for fear of upsetting it's somewhat obsessive fan base. Well they seem to love it so I guess the gamble paid off - in the short term anyway - in the long term I'm not so sure...
borneobrian - 15 November 2022 Does not live up to the hype. First off, I think everyone and they're grandma knew this film was gong to try to pay tribute to Harold Ramis who recently passed away in 2014 ahead of time, but the attempts a paying tribute doesn't mean this film was that good. Ok, here's the plot and review. 30 years after the first 2 Ghostbusters film. Egon Spengler has passed away and his daughter, grandson and granddaughter inherit his farm where the granddaughter finds her grandfather's old Ghostbusters gear and (thanks to one of the dumbest teachers in the world), accidentally releases the demon dogs from the Og film and she starts a new ghostbusters group made up of her, her friend from school, her brother, and her brother's love interest. Despite this being set in the same continuity as Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2 while ignoring She busters 2016, this film makes the former better by comparison. The granddaughter character is not characterized well, coming more like a female version of Young Sheldon Cooper than a well thought out character. Her school friend "Podcast" is kinda irritating and will likely get on most of the audiences nerves as the only joke they do with him is his clumsy attempts at recording material for his podcast. The bother is a stereotypical careless, socially awkward teen who just wants to be cool and get the girl, so there is not much there. One of the more agitating aspects in the movie is the fact that the granddaughter's teacher, not only believes in the ghost trap having a ghost in it, but also helps open the damn thing thus making everything in this film his fault for being stupid. Aside from the underdeveloped characters, the film has a lot of discount versions of the various ghosts from the previous 2 films and has a very predictable plot involving them bringing back Gozer because apparantly, creating an original villain is too hard. The humor doesn't work and it is handled very poorly. The actual Ghostbusters that we know and love only appear at the end for some sort of hail Mary and has a cheap tribute to the late Ramis at the end. There were only 2 times I laughed but they were at the end and they were just callbacks. This film is not worth a watch and you can spend you're time doing better things and I highly recommend you do.
v-86934 - 10 October 2022 For Kids The movie was so slow I got bored in half of the movie. I never really watch the original and have no idea what I'm watching. The ghost hunters just being introduce to the character in the 45 mins of the movie.
While watching this movie I found myself distracted and prefer to do something else. What's with the sound jump scare when monsters coming out it's not scary at all.
This is a kid movie I think if I'm gonna watch this movie with my cousins I can let it slide but if I'm alone I'll get bored easily and prefer to watch something more interesting. Well it's worth the try to know whether it's your type or not but this was like any other boring type of movie.