A wooden puppet embarks on a thrilling adventure to become a real boy.
Runtime: 120 minutes
Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Stars: Benjamin Evan Ainsworth, Tom Hanks, Luke Evans, Cynthia Erivo, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Keegan-Michael Key, Lorraine Bracco, Giuseppe Battiston, Sheila Atim, Hannah Flynn, Kyanne Lamaya, Jaquita Ta'le, Lewin Lloyd, Angus Wright, Jamie Demetriou
Director: Robert Zemeckis
tadted - 27 December 2023 Embarrassingly Bad! WOW! Where do I begin? Everything about this film takes away the magic of the original. It's just got no feeling of nostalgia and the lessons that are supposed to be taught by it just don't come through. The only good bit in my humble opinion was the way they drew different animated films in when the clocks kicked off. Usually I love Robert Zemeckis movies but I think even he will accept this was not up to standard. Looking through the other reviews I'm glad to see I'm not the lone voice but part of the consensus and only kept the movie on at my wife's insistence and just kept rambling so I got enough characters typed so I could post this.
SnoopyStyle - 1 August 2023 worst of recent Disney live-action remakes Jiminy Cricket (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is the narrator. He comes to the workshop of Geppetto (Tom Hanks). Geppetto finishes his Pinocchio marionette and makes a wish which bring it to life.
Disney has recently been remaking its classic animation with live-action films. This is probably the worst of them. This one came out around the same time as Guillermo del Toro's version. I had a couple of issues with that one, but I can't deny that del Toro is trying to do something new and edgy with his version. This one from Robert Zemeckis feels dead on arrival. I want it to try something new to justify its existence. My idea is to lose all the CG. Make Pinocchio an actual marionette. Make Jiminy an actual cricket. As it stands, this movie just lies there. I recognized Tom Hanks and that's the only interesting thing that happened for the whole movie.
Elvis-Del-Valle - 23 March 2023 Nice movie for children to enjoy although it does not reach the animated classic I expected to find a mediocre film, but I confess that I really liked it. I'm serious, I'm not a puritanical fan who takes things to heart anyway. I really liked the visual quality and there are scenes that really made me almost cry (obviously due to nostalgia) and I contained myself as much as I could. Tom Hanks as Gepetto seemed like a good option to me and I really liked how they brought the doll to life. The only stumbling blocks I find are first The Blue Fairy, obviously since the chosen actress doesn't match the character, but that could have been compensated if the fairy had participated more like in the original. Jiminy Grillo seems the same to me as the original, but the downside is that he doesn't help much and the ending was not what I expected, it seemed to me halfway. In conclusion, the live action is really nice, it is entertaining and as a children's film it is very good to entertain children, but it could have been better. I mean, I think Robert Zemeckis did a good job and I liked the result, but he could have done better since it could have lived up to the animated classic. My final rating for this film is 8/10.
westleyceilim - 31 December 2022 Yet another Disney remake One of the cheapest laziest films I've watched, this is the Disneys worst effort to try and remake their classic movies, I mean at least with the other projects their was some attempt made, but here it's just the text book definition of a cash grab, adding plot points that go absolutely nowhere and removing parts that they deemed "unnecessary", the performances in this film were abysmal, this film was a low point in Tom hanks career is performance as Geppeto was awful with his accent changing with each scene, they tried desperately to add depth to the characters of this film but were to lazy to go all the way, so the new plot points added feel half backed at best and a waste of time at worst, god awful movie that craps all over the legacy of the original.
imseeg - 7 December 2022 Good fun for the kids. Not a new classic though, but who would expect that? Solidly made animation movie, with beautiful special effects and nice characters. Tom Hanks is okay at his role.
Lots of comparisons are being made with the original Pinocchio, but this movie is targetted at kids and not at grownups and it simply is good fun for young kids, who will undoubtedly enjoy this adventure.
Director Robert Zemeckis has proven in the past that his movies are full of spark and punch. He almost always is capable of touching the right note. And in this movie he does so again, with a wonderful charm and cheer.
For the kids. Dont mind the naysayers, the kids will surely have fun watching this...
fdiefenderfer - 8 November 2022 Don't Understand All the Hate I don't understand all the hate. It's pretty on par with the original animated Disney version. I personally hate when they change the remake drastically from the animated original. I prefer the ones like Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin where it was basically the same story with some tweaks and more modern bits but that don't completely negate what happened in the original. I'd say this is comparable to how the Disney+ Lady and the Tramp came out, which I did enjoy. I think they could've made Honest John and his guy real people instead of anthropomorphs like in the original (because it was so random/unnecessary to begin with), but no big deal. I'd watch it again, but glad it was included in Disney+ as I wouldn't have bothered paying extra for it for home rental or theater tickets.
trevorwomble - 20 October 2022 Disney has sold it's soul Why is Disney remaking it's classic back catalogue? This is yet another soulless effort, much like The Lion King was. Robert Zemeckis,a talented director, seems to have lost his way of recent and has gone from entertaining original films to drivel like this. Tom Hanks also has a career mis-step here, his usual good judgement in taking roles fogged by his loyalty to Zemeckis. Come on guys, up your game...you are better than this drivel. Disney can do better as well, Encanto proved Disney can still make quality animation when they make an effort.
Stear clear of this and watch the 1940 original instead.