
The patriarch of a wealthy and powerful family suddenly passes away, leaving his wife and daughter with a shocking secret inheritance that threatens to unravel and destroy their lives.

  • Released: 2020-04-30
  • Runtime: 110 minutes
  • Genre: Thrillers
  • Stars: Lily Collins, Simon Pegg, Connie Nielsen, Chace Crawford, Patrick Warburton, Marque Richardson, Michael Beach, Joe Herrera, Christina DeRosa, Lucas Alexander Ayoub, Rebecca Adams, Mariyah Francis, Chris Gann, Jim E. Chandler, Harrison Stone, Josh Murray, Lydia Hand, Grae Marino, Katie Callaway, Ashley Pereira, Hamid-Reza Benjamin Thompson, Meagan Bown, Alec James, Josh Murray
  • Director: Vaughn Stein
  • AuggieGreen2004 - 21 June 2024
    Fairly Good Movie.
    This is one of my favorite movies but one thing that really aggravates me is Lauren's (Lily Collins) over dramatic heavy breathing/hyperventilating every time something upsetting happens. On a positive note it was really interesting to see Simon Pegg (A normally comedic actor) in a darker role. (On another note If I hadn't read the cast I would have had no idea that it WAS Simon Pegg, LOL) If a sequel is ever made (Which I unfortunately doubt will happen) it would be interesting to see how Lauren would cope with all the things that happened during the later events and revelations of this film.
  • rtbradford - 17 September 2023
    Simply Awful
    The negatives: the script was absurd and terribly unrealistic. Whomever did the casting has no idea how old you have to be to be a seasoned states' attorney. The leads all looked about 10 years too young to be believable. The plot was silly and was so full of holes, it could have been a comedy. And it didn't need to be almost two hours. The pluses: The house where much of the story takes place is nice! The acting wasn't awful. Actually, Simon Pegg did a solid job with what was really weak material.

    This movie would've been passable as an ABC Movie of the Week. As a theatrical realease? Forget about it.
  • packor - 2 June 2023
    completely predictable, full of bs, and has 0 sense.
    Seemed to be trying for shock or thought provoking, and failed at everything. Everyone is a moron or crazy, and the more you think about it, the more bs you'll find:

    The father's cause of death was announced as heart attack. It obviously wasn't, and there's no reason for anyone to hide that.

    He claimed that there were prying ears, because, oOOoOo, secret organizations and things. No there wasn't; and even if there was, he could have left a note in the basement somewhere explaining #$%^ instead of this bs.

    Lauren decides to completely derail her life to investigate something that's been sitting there for 20 years as if it's urgent, or that things would change in a matter of days. It wasn't, and it wouldn't.

    There's some bs about pie. It's just bs.

    The prisoner has a lot of things. Including dangerous tools, that they could have used, but never did. Apparently no one ever thought tools were supposed to be used as tools.

    Lauren had a complete lack of concern for safely, handing said prisoner tools, unlocking his restraints, digging a hole in front of him. Yes, really.

    Said prisoner could have easily escaped or attacked her at all of those points, but didn't, because the movie needed to be long.

    Which led to unnecessary release, murder and capture scenes.

    Prisoner captures 2 people, yet somehow he only chains ONE of them up.

    His entire motivation for capturing said people was so he could yell at them. Yes, really.

    At the end, he blurted out the "big spoiler" as if people wouldn't have guessed it 20 minutes into the film. There's no reason for it, nothing came of it. It's just bs.

    Obviously, the person that wasn't tied up in anyway managed to take him down. LOL.

    Nothing was achieved by the end of the film. After the "spoiler", Lauren got a pat on the back, and nothing happens.

    They decided to set fire to a hidden area that no one discovered for DECADES inside the woods. When you burn things in the woods, the woods catch fire. They didn't. They also poured fuel on the steps BEFORE they came out, because it doesn't matter, apparently. Also, it was completely unnecessary to burn the place at all. Could have burnt the "items" inside without setting fire to the whole place, it's just a building.
  • kimbaface-560-60714 - 23 December 2022
    Seriously bad
    This movie was so slow, dry and boring with virtually no development of plot for a full 90 minutes. I only stuck with it once I realized I was watching Simon Pegg. And he's really good in it. Not that one can easily appreciate his performance since everything else around him is putrid. And even when the essence of the story finally kicks in, it isn't enough. Also, this young girl as Manhattan DA? Seriously? Would never happen. I don't care who your family is. There are some other decent actors in this yet the acting seems bad across the board. I'm going to blame the boring story and lack of editing that dragged the story out endlessly and painfully. Save yourself. Don't waste your time on this.
  • gmaland2 - 8 November 2022
    Catastrophic Plot Issue
    SPOILERS. Others have covered this complaint, but it is truly beyond belief that the father, taking the time to make a video for his daughter to watch upon his demise, would not bother to be MUCH more informative about the situation in the underground bunker. Could he not have anticipated that the imprisoned man might be able to fool his idealistic daughter, who was also about to become an accomplice in a major crime? Why wouldn't he say more to explain why it was critical that this man remain shackled? He definitely would have known that the prisoner would say many things about what had led to his imprisonment, as well as many other revelations, so this would have been a great time to share some secrets with his daughter. Some plot holes are just too severe to tolerate in any movie.
  • Rod_Duke - 9 October 2022
    Lilly Collins is in the Rise !
    I gave it 7 stars, suspenseful, good acting, Lilly Collins (Emily in Paris) is on the rise.

    The Will is somewhat surprising - which is expected. More than money and the company is left behind. A thumb drive with a double hidden secrets.

    Watch at night in a dark room!

    Music is timely and good.

    Cinematography could be better.

    Filmed mostly in Birmingham Alabama and Mobile Alabama, which is very interesting. Wish I knew how that came about since I live in Alabama.

    The story line can be believable - especially in October.

    Money is always involved.

    Dark secrets at multiple levels. Enjoy with a friend.