A man wakes in a hospital with no memory, and quickly finds himself on the run in a locked down hospital with the Cartel on his tail.
Released: 2022-10-12
Runtime: 91 minutes
Genre: Action, Adventure, Thrillers
Stars: Josh Duhamel, Abbie Cornish, Omar Chaparro, Nick Nolte, Lou Ferrigno Jr., Bárbara de Regil, Robert Dobson, Pedro López, Edison Ruiz, Jero Medina
Director: Sam Macaroni
whsjtcqhfw - 9 February 2024 Poor would be kind Firstly let me start by saying that I like Josh Duhamel and Abbie Cornish but ithis movie could not have been a worse platform for their acting skills.
It's almost like a stunt supervisor had designed, scripted and written the dialogue for this terrible movie,
The action scenes are passable but the villains are like a stereotypical Mexican gangster,, the shootouts are laughable with more bullets hitting the walls than get anywhere near a person involved, I have limited experience with sub machine guns (none actually) but I'm pretty sure of your 3 feet away from the person your trying to shoot and they have zero cover, one of your bullets will at least graze them, but no, they're destroying the walls without hitting anyone
Who thought it was a good idea to feed Nick Nolte the blood he requires to resurrect him? Listening to him slur his lines was so off putting.
mgabel-66589 - 28 January 2023 Too awful to even laugh at! I truly believe this movie was made without a director let alone a script.
I'm dizzy from the constant change from slo-mo to normal every 2 seconds during the ridiculous fight seems. Let's see, complete bullets with both shells and slugs being ejected (bad cgi??), all the thugs have guns and intend to kill JD but they all seem to forget they have them. At least until they get 2 inches away from him. Makes no sense...
Nick Nolte needs to get his a%#
back to the nursing home and JD needs to stick to romantic comedies! Between the bad acting, ejecting cartridges and constant use of Sat phones from basements with no windows I only made it 55m in. Let me know if I missed the best part of the movie. I'll be so pissed....
Saved myself a half hour of wasted life though.
silicontourist - 13 December 2022 A Regurgitated Story With Nothing Oustanding To Make It Special...or worth it! This is a story that has been played out far more that it needs to in Hollywood over the years and, its about time they stashed it away in the archives warehouse.
The is, and could not have been even in the best of scenario's, a humdrum script with (and I'll be fair to the director here) a banal lack of inspired direction. The actors are okay with what they have to work with but, nobody appears to put their heart and soul into giving the film some worthwhile remembrance factors. The story style was never exciting in its heyday and nothing has changed to improve it so to be honest, unless you are brain dead or have a life of very little to do, or it is throwing it down with rain outdoors...GIVE THIS A MISS!
koimadd - 26 October 2022 I agree with everyone else I am the type to give a kmovie a chance but this one started off in the crapper and had no intention to even try to get out of it. If I could give it a negative rating I would. All the other comments are spot on. I've seen other low budget movies that were 100 times better. It makes no sense why this one could not have been better. I guess the writers and directors were high while writing and directing this movie. What makes it so much worse is that Netflix is paying for this crap and they want to keep raising prices and make their consumers pay extra for this type of junk. If this keeps up Netflix is going to be right beside MySpace and AOL.
mm-75687 - 20 October 2022 Pointless D level garbage with absolutely no plot Wow, what a disappointment this piece of junk was. It's not actually a movie with a story and a plot. It's just a non-stop fight scene from end to end. After about 5 minutes you don't even care. I spent more time looking at my computer than I did the screen because every scene is exactly the same. A fight scene won by the same person. It is also shocking how poorly Mexican cartel soldiers shoot. They can't hit anything. If the were that totally incompetent there would be no reason to make movies about them. It is also shocking that they got Nick Nolte to be in this movie. I realize he is very old, but this was a pathetic part for him.